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Daffodil's Library

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Watership Down
Richard Adams
The Fairy Godmother
Mercedes Lackey
Unshapely Things
Mark Del Franco
Wicked Pleasure
Lora Leigh
Heart of the Wolf
Terry Spear
Stirring Up Strife
Jennifer Stanley
The Perfect Play
Jaci Burton
J.N. Duncan
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James
Midnight Enchantment
Anya Bast
Ghost Moon - Heather Graham 3.5 stars

Probably the best book in the trilogy and another fun read. The whodunnit aspect kept me guessing right 'til the end, but then it was an immediate "Well that makes sense." So I definitely thought the mystery was better plotted than in the first two books. Also enjoyed the interaction between the main characters and the chance to revisit the other couples.